Breast cancer is not infre­quently diagnosed in women of repro­duct­ive age. For­tu­nately, the survival rates after breast cancer are so good nowadays that the real­iz­a­tion of the desire to have children after treatment has gained immensely in import­ance. This topic should be addressed prior to therapy, since the chemo­thera­peut­ic agents used can impair fertility. A dis­tinc­tion is made between hormone-dependent and hormone-inde­pend­ent tumors. In the case of hormone-dependent tumors, anti-hormonal follow-up treatment is given for several years after chemo­ther­apy, so that natural fertility also decreases over time as a result. In the case of a hormone-inde­pend­ent tumor on the other hand, the risk of a hered­it­ary component increases, which is asso­ci­ated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer. Pregnancy after surviving breast cancer on the other hand has no negative impact on the course of the disease, as far as we know.

One pos­sib­il­ity to facil­it­ate the patient’s decision after the coun­selling interview regarding fertility-pre­serving measures is the “Decision Aid” linked here.
It is a digital aid for decision-making developed by psy­cho­lo­gists, psy­cho­ther­ap­ists and repro­duct­ive physicians.

Detailed inform­a­tion and a bib­li­o­graphy can be found in the Fer­ti­PRO­TEKT booklet “Indika­tion und Durch­führung fer­til­ität­s­pro­tekt­iver Maßnahmen bei onko­lo­gis­chen und nicht-onko­lo­gis­chen Erkrankun­gen”, 2nd revised edition 2020, which was written by members of the Fer­ti­PRO­TEKT Netzwerk e.V. and is available free of charge (in German).

(Chap. 2.1)

An english version can be bought: Fertility Pre­ser­va­tion in Onco­lo­gic­al and Non-Onco­lo­gic­al Diseases a practical guide by Michael von Wolff & Frank Nawroth ISBN 978–3‑030–47567‑3 from
Part II page 33ff