This malignant disease of the lymphatic system is often diagnosed in women of repro­duct­ive age. With adequate cytotoxic therapy, it has a very high cure rate. Hodgkin’s lymphoma can usually be treated very well. Most chemo­ther­apy treat­ments cause little damage to the ovaries and testicles, so that fertility pre­ser­va­tion measures are rarely or never necessary.

However, there are also chemo­ther­apies that can have a greater impact on the function of the ovaries or testicles. In women, age is a sig­ni­fic­ant factor. Below the age of 30, women usually still have a lot of oocytes, meaning that a reduction in the number of oocytes due to chemo­ther­apy does not play a major role. On the other hand, over the age of 30 or if the ovarian reserve is already reduced, a reduction in the number of eggs can con­sid­er­ably impair fertility.

Therefore, it must be decided on the basis of the type of chemo­ther­apy and depending on the age of a woman whether a fertility-pre­serving measure is reasonable.

The so-called germ cell-pre­serving therapies, i.e. the freezing of eggs, sperm or ovarian or testic­u­lar tissue, are a possible option. They require ½ to 2 weeks and can usually be carried out well before chemo­ther­apy. As a drug option, the admin­is­tra­tion of so-called GnRH agonists is a pos­sib­il­ity, but is only recom­men­ded as an addi­tion­al measure.

One pos­sib­il­ity to facil­it­ate the patient’s decision after the coun­selling interview regarding fertility-pre­serving measures is the “Decision Aid” linked here.

It is a digital aid for decision-making developed by psy­cho­lo­gists, psy­cho­ther­ap­ists and repro­duct­ive physicians.

Detailed inform­a­tion and a bib­li­o­graphy can be found in the Fer­ti­PRO­TEKT booklet “Indika­tion und Durch­führung fer­til­ität­s­pro­tekt­iver Maßnahmen bei onko­lo­gis­chen und nicht-onko­lo­gis­chen Erkrankun­gen”, 2nd revised edition 2020, which was written by members of the Fer­ti­PRO­TEKT Netzwerk e.V. and is available free of charge (in German).

(Chap. 2.2)

An english version can be bought: Fertility Pre­ser­va­tion in Onco­lo­gic­al and Non-Onco­lo­gic­al Diseases a practical guide by Michael von Wolff & Frank Nawroth ISBN 978–3‑030–47567‑3 from