
Welcome to FertiPROTEKT


Who are we?

in 2006, the FertiPROTEKT network was founded. It has meanwhile been extended to cover all German-speaking countries (Germany, Switzer­land, Austria).

It gives women and men facing or having gone through chemo- or radio­ther­apy the chance to obtain the most recent sci­entif­ic advice about their fertility and the measures which can be taken to protect it.
By contrast to men, where the pre­ser­va­tion of sperm is an estab­lished method, effective tech­niques of fertility pro­tec­tion for women have only been around for a few years.

Fer­ti­PRO­TEKT is inter­na­tion­ally one of the the first networks offering these tech­niques to a whole nation. Within the network, these methods are being estab­lished, further developed and tested in terms of their effect­ive­ness. Accord­ingly, all centres of the network meet strict con­stantly con­trolled and optimised standards of con­sultancy and therapy.

Currently, the network covers mostly uni­ver­sity centres working locally and in close cooper­a­tion with onco­lo­gists of all dis­cip­lines. Further uni­ver­sity centres, hospitals and private fertility clinics meeting the strict quality standards are joining the network.

The Fer­ti­PRO­TEKT homepage informs you about the back­ground and therapies, costs and effect­ive­ness (“Illnesses” and “Treatment methods”). You can also find out about the structure of the network (“Fer­ti­PRO­TEKT — The Network”) as well as about the stat­ist­ic­al data of the patients treated by Fer­ti­PRO­TEKT (“Fer­ti­PRO­TEKT — The Register”) and recom­men­ded contact addresses of Fer­ti­PRO­TEKT centres (“Cooper­at­ing centers and contacts”). If any inform­a­tion on the homepage seems unclear to you or you have problems with the contact, the advice or the therapy provided by one of the centres, please do not hesitate to inform the coordin­at­ors. A trans­la­tion into English is coming soon.

We hope to be offering plenty of inform­a­tion on our homepage and wish you and your patients good health and all the best,

Your Fer­ti­PRO­TEKT team

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Guidelines on the assump­tion of costs for fertility-pro­tect­ive measures in Germany adopted

Ein wichtiger Schritt ist getan.